
News Bulletin



SMA DROMANTINE: Worklshop Friday 1st September (5.00pm) – Sunday 3rd September (2.00pm)

Stop Missing Your Life: Stress, burnout and discovering a calmer you.

As we move into a post pandemic world, more and more people are reporting symptons of numbness, frustration and exhaustion. This compassionate and optimistic workshop will transform the way we think about and manage stress and burnout, empower participants to thrive under pressure and enjoy meaningful yet balanced lives. Learn time-tested lifestyle habits that promote resilence & nurture a calmer you.

Led bt Fr. Hugh Lagan SMA. Cost £225. Tel: 028 30821224.



As a young priest, Fr. Eddie McGee officiated at his first Christening here at St. Patrick’s in July 2003. Twenty years have passed! With the exception of a brief holiday each year he has served and shared in this parish each weekend with incredible energy, loyalty and enthusiasm. He was also present for Feasts of Christmas and Easter and any other significant occasions. A joy to work with he never ever let us down. Unfortunately there is an acute shortage of priests in the Diocese at the moment. Some parishes don’t even have a priest for Sunday Mass.

Fr. Eddie had been assigned by the Bishop to help out in those areas of greatest need. We genuinely thank him for all he has done for us and wish him well in his new mission. After 12 noon Mass on Sunday 20th August there will be an opportunity to say farewell and thanks to him in the Parish Centre.

Light refreshments will be available.

The Priory Institute

The Priory Institute, Tallagh, Dublin two week online Summer School on the Gospel of John will run from 14-28
August. The course includes eight recorded presentations and two on-line zoom discussions and is very flexible as it is delivered entirely online. Please visit our website to find out more and to register


CATHOLIC MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER is a Weekend experience for any Sacramentally married couple. Every relationship is a journey, and the grind of everyday life can cause you to lose touch with your spouse. This is a space for you and your spouse to pause, reflect, and reconnect privately.

Our next Marriage Enrichment Weekend is Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th November 2023 at “The Cork International Hotel” Cork. To book your place visit our website:

Post: Pre School-Leader in Charge

The Management Committee of St Comgall?s Pre School-Education Centre, Bangor invite applications from suitably quali?ed candidates for the following Post:

Required 01/09/23 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Post: Pre School-Leader in Charge

25 hours per week Monday to Friday. Term Time plus 1 week. Salary is payable on a 10/12 basis.
Rate of Pay as per JNC scales Point 17-21

Job Description and Application form available via email:
Closing date for completed applications 12 noon on Friday 11th August 2023.
It is anticipated that interviews will take place w/c 21st August 2023. All Correspondence will be by email.

You are invited!

Archbishop Eamon Martin will celebrate Mass at Slane on August 6th as part of a Light the Fire rosary/healing service on World Youth Day. Sr Briege McKenna will lead the healing service while Eurovision’s Dana who will sing her new song for St Patrick which recalls how our patron saint lit the fire of faith on Slane in 433AD.

All welcome 12:15-4:30pm. More info:


YOUNG ADULT CATHOLIC CONFERENCE – SATURDAY AUGUST 19/ SUNDAY 20 2023 (Organised by Legion of Mary) ‘Under Mary’s Mantle’ is a conference on faith and culture for young adults (18-35) with talks, prayer, Mass, Confession, workshops, food and social in the historic All Hallows campus, DCU, Dublin. A chance to build your faith in friendship with young men and women from across the country. Keynote speakers include poet and convert Sally Read, a one-time radical feminist who embraced the Faith, Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Cistercian Fr Aelred McGee, Marian theologian Professor William A Thomas and many more. The talks and workshops range widely from poetry to reading the Bible, vocations and Mary in the Liturgical Year! Mass and Confessions take place both days.

Two day ticket (Saturday & Sunday) – €60 Day rates – Saturday €40; Sunday €30. STUDENTS get a 10% discount – contact for discount code.


It has become a frequent feature of parish life in this country for the community to gather and celebrate the Word of God and distribute Holy Communion in the absence of a priest.

The Leader of each service will be assisted by other Ministers, such as a MInister of the Word, Minister of Communion and musician. The preparation of the whole parish for these celebrations is of vital importance.

These preparations have begun. As from Monday 3rd July and for subsequent Mondays and Fridays until all Ministers are trained we will celebrate a laity led Word and Eucharistic service.

Bus Passes

You may be aware of proposed changes to the provision of bus passes to senior citizens.
As these proposals are likely to have an impact on many older parishioners you may wish to draw attention to the public consultation currently being undertaken.


This is a time of major change – politically, economically, socially, and within our Church. Change can be unsettling and even a little frightening, especially when it impacts on something that we love, cherish, and rely upon, like our parish communities and how we celebrate our faith. Over recent weeks, we have heard about changes that are coming to our parishes and Diocese. Changes in the number of priests in active ministry in years to come, changes in how our parishes will work together in new families of parishes, changes in the active role that lay people will play working alongside our clergy in new ministries, leadership roles and the management of our parishes. The Holy Spirit is moving within these changes, and Jesus is calling each one of us to renew and to rebuild His Church. As Bishop Donal McKeown said in his Pastoral Letter at Pentecost, “The Spirit which acted with such unexpected force and fulness in Pentecost is the same Spirit we can call upon and put our entire trust in today.”

The Pathways to the Future team is concluding its initial planning work. Further information about our new Families of Parishes, lay ministries, and new ways for our lay people and clergy to work together in the service of God and each other will shared through a series of events across the Diocese in the autumn. This will be the start of ongoing conversations that will continue within parishes and across parishes as we start to build our new parish families. As Bishop McKeown said at Pentecost, “Together we can renew and rebuild the Church. Together, we can become part of God’s amazing dream for ourselves and for the whole of creation. Like the disciples at Pentecost, let us embrace the future with confidence and hope.” In doing so, let us hear Jesus’ voice as He continues to tell each of us “Do not be afraid”.

Recently Deceased

John Joe (Jonjoe) Bradley (Banbridge, formerly Lisburn: Brian O'Neill

Months Mind

Rose Spence


Joan Connaghan (First Anniversary): Alison Slater: Katie Jamieson: Joseph & Sean O'Kane: Rosetta Walsh: Arthur O'Reilly: Patrick & Esther McLarnon: Kenny Murdock: Hugh & Kathleen Rooney: Bridie Burns: Ann Dorrian

May they rest in peace.